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  • Provides solid basic preparation in various sectors of biotechnology, also useful in other life science fields. 
  • It has an especially favourable professor/student ratio and this enables continuous, effective training.
  • Students are involved in various practical laboratory activities during the course and discuss an experimental thesis prepared with the supervision of one or more course professors or lecturers. 


Bachelor's Degree

Type of programme

Bachelor's Degree

Restricted access

Type of admission

Restricted access





University site


Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine


Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine

L-2 Biotechnologies

Degree identification category

L-2 Biotechnologies

Study Plan

The three-year First Cycle degree course sets out the acquisition of 180 university credits overall divided into basic, distinguishing, similar, supplementary and the student’s choice of training work in addition to the internship and the work for the preparation of the final exam.
The teaching courses, integrated or single subject, include classroom lessons, exercises and laboratory work.


The call for Erasmus+ mobility for study for the academic year 2024-25 has been published.

It will be possible to apply from 12.00pm on January the 15th, 2024, to 11.59pm on January the 31st, 2024.

Useful links

Student Advisory Service

Student representatives

Degree programme committees

The teaching regulations specify the organisational aspects of the course, according to the corresponding system, respecting the freedom of teaching and the rights-duties of professors/lecturers and students.

Art. 5 - Teaching regulations A.Y. 2024/2025

Teaching regulations A.Y. 2024/2025

Teaching regulations A.Y. 2023/2024

Teaching regulations A.Y. 2022/2023


Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine (DMMT)
Viale Europa 11, 25123 Brescia BS

For information on educational activities
Servizi didattici (Educational Services)
U.O.C. Corsi scientifici area medica (Medical area scientific courses)
Viale Europa 11, 25123 Brescia

For information on enrolments, fees, transfers, certificates and career
UOCC Segreterie studenti (Student Administration)
Via San Faustino 74/b, 25121 Brescia

Call Center 800 66 34 23

Contact the Student Administration offices

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