Bachelor's Degree

Employment and Company Legal Advisor

Bachelor’s Degree
Home Institution: Brescia
Language: Italian
Type of admission: Free access course, TEST SPS

Single Cycle Degree Programme


Single cycle
Home Institution: Brescia
Language: Italian
Type of admission: Free access course, TEST SPS

Master's Degree

Governance of the Public Administration

Home Institution: Brescia
Language: Italian
Type of admission: Free access course

Law and Innovation

Home Institution: Brescia
Language: Italian
Type of admission: Bachelor's degree required

Law, innovation and sustainability

Home Institution: Brescia
Language: Italian
Type of admission: Bachelor's degree required

Sciences for Peace: International Cooperation and Conflict Transformation

Home Institution: Brescia, Pisa
Language: Italian
Type of admission: Minimum entry requirements Bachelor's degree
Last updated on: 06/26/2023