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Awaiting ministerial approval

Objectives of the training course

The overall training proposal provides the theoretical and practical skills necessary for the management, monitoring and evaluation of business strategies and plans in an international operational context, enabling the achievement of set objectives based on the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency and responsibility.  

Teaching is geared towards the development of analytical thinking, problem solving skills and the ability to work on projects and in groups, which enable students to acquire a solid ability to read the context and to develop the ability to manage and lead work groups.  

Professional profiles and job opportunities

The course of study in Business and Economics allows the acquisition of fundamental general and specific skills in the economic-business disciplines and interdisciplinary training in the economic-political, legal and quantitative disciplines, which make possible a variety of employment prospects, comparable to the professional profile of a junior manager.  

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the degree course in Business and Economics, a high school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad, recognised as suitable according to current regulations, is required. 

An English language level of B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference is also required, proven by possession of one of the certifications approved by the Department and available at

In addition, possession of the mathematical prerequisites required for successful attendance of the degree course is assessed by means of a compulsory entrance test given in English, the English TOLC-E (Test Online CISIA for Economics), which can be taken at any university belonging to the CISIA Consortium that provides it. The English TOLC-E aptitude test is of an indicative and non-selective nature.

In order to pass the English TOLC-E, you must achieve a score equal to or above a certain threshold in the Mathematics section of the test. 

An insufficient result, i.e. a score below the minimum threshold set for passing in the Mathematics section of the English TOLC-E, does not prejudice enrolment in the degree course and participation in classes, but results in the assignment of Additional Educational Obligations (OFA) in the Mathematics area. 

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