The PhD Programme is organized in six (6) curricula:
Academic Disciplines (codes and titles):
CEAR-01/A (formerly ICAR/01) – Hydraulics
CEAR-01/B (formerly ICAR/02) – Hydraulic structures, maritime engineering and hydrology
CEAR-07/A (formerly ICAR/09) – Structural engineering
CEAR-05/A (formerly ICAR/07) – Geotechnics
STAT-04/A (formerly SECS-S/06) – Mathematical methods of economics, finance and actuarial sciences
PHYS-01/A (formerly FIS/01) – Experimental physics
Teaching activities
This curricula aims to train figures able to deal with the problems related to the major natural risks (affecting both our national territory and other climatic and environmental contexts) using scientifically appropriate methodologies. With regard to Italy, the main risks are the hydrological-hydraulic and geological, and seismic ones. These risks need to be addressed through the implementation of structural and non-structural measures capable of eliminating (if possible), preventing, or at least mitigating the related damage. To this end, PhD students will be trained in the use of physical-mathematical tools typical of engineering and in the use of methodologies typical of land planning, economic evaluation of damages and insurance systems.
The PhD student's training path – to be defined in agreement with the tutor and/or thesis supervisor – in addition to general courses (such as Mathematical analysis, Fundamentals of numerical analysis, Fundamentals of statistical inference, Financial mathematics, Land management, Seismology, Advanced structural dynamics, Protection of the architectural heritage in areas subject to hydrogeological and seismic risk, 1D and 2D flood propagation, floods and droughts, Geomechanics and gravitational mass movements), may include specific courses, activated in the framework of this PhD Programme or in the framework of other PHD Programmes of the University of Brescia and other universities.
Research activities
This curricula, in addition to the activities in common with the other curricula, is characterised by the participation of PhD students in specific research projects relating to management and control of risks and natural resources. So far, these projects have been funded through resources found at national and international level with reference to issues related to the design of structural and non-structural measures aimed at the active and passive protection of anthropized territories. The research projects concerned the hydraulic restoration of some territories, management of floods in trans-national watercourses, lakes hydrodynamics, diffusion of pollutants in lakes, study of the impacts of climate change on the hydrological cycle, development of methodologies for seismic risk mitigation.
For the future, we plan to extend these activities to other territories, also in support of the relevant institutions. In this context, particular attention will also be paid to the issues concerning energy production (hydroelectric), which has a strong impact on the hydrological cycle and which can exacerbate the problems related to low flows and droughts, urban hydrology and crop water requirements. With regard to seismology, we plan to work on the advanced modelling of the propagation of seismic waves in areas characterised by complex geology.
Involved SSD
CEAR-06/A (formerly ICAR/08) – Structurak nechanics
MATH-03/A (formerly MAT/05) – Mathematical analysis
MATH-04/A (formerly MAT/07) – Mathematical phisics
MATH-05/A (formerly MAT/08) – Numerical analysis
Education programme
The aim of the programme is to deepen the knowledge of the students in the following areas of mathematics and engineering: partial differential equations in fluid dynamics, in the mechanics of solid, numerical methods per partial differential equations, calculus of variations, control theory, variational formulations of problems in engineering, scaling effects in metal plasticity, mechanics of fractures, homogenization of composite materials. The educational activity is to be decided for each student in collaboration with the supervisor. This activity will be complemented by participation in schools, conferences, workshops etc.
Research programme
Each PhD student will become a member of one of the research groups of the department, and will contribute to its research activity. Moreover, each PhD student is supposed to spend at least one semester abroad. During this period the student will proceed with the research in collaboration with foreign universities.Teaching activities.
SSD involved
ICAR/01 Hydraulics
ICAR/03 Sanitary-environmental engineering
ICAR/09 Construction techniques
MED/17 Infectious diseases
AGR/11 General and applied entomology
M-GGR/02 Economic-political geography
Teaching activity
The teaching activity includes initiatives of common interest to the two majors as well as specific activities for each major.
Activities common to the two addresses: international cooperation methodologies; international law; economy; cultural antropology; political geography and geopolitics; pedagogy; project cycle method.
Activities for the technological direction: appropriate technologies in the environmental field in the countries of the southern hemisphere; management/treatment of water for human use; water and sanitation; solid waste management; power.
Healthcare activities:
- medical methodologies for countries with limited resources;
- medical statistics;
- infectious and tropical diseases;
- diagnostic methodologies;
- monitoring protocols;
- therapeutic tools.
Research activity
This curriculum, in addition to the research activities previously reported for all curricula, is characterized by the direct involvement of doctoral students in cooperation projects in the South of the world in order to implement, validate and disseminate appropriate solutions/technologies for improving the health of environment and man. In this phase, which is spread over the three years of the Doctorate with a greater weight in the second and third year, the Doctoral Students spend a period in the field at research institutes/universities, Non-Governmental Organizations, other public and private bodies involved in project activities.
The main research topics of interest are reported below.
Technological address:
- Environmental issues in resource-limited contexts
- Environmental problems in emergency situations
- Appropriate technologies for the solution of environmental problems related to the management of drinking water, waste water, waste and the energy recoverable from them.
Health address:
- Determinants of health and disease in resource-limited contexts
- Primary Health Care Strategy
- Health systems in resource-limited countries
- Integrated healthcare projects
- The major infectious endemics (HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, parasitic endemics)
- Maternal and child health
- Malnutrition and malnutrition
Involved SSD
CEAR-03/B (formerly ICAR/05) - Transportation
CEAR-10/A (formerly ICAR/17) – Drawing
CEAR-12/A (formerly ICAR/20) - Urban and regional planning
CEAR-12/B (formerly ICAR/21) - Urban and landscape planning
CEAR-03/C (formerly ICAR/22) - Real estate appraisal
Teaching Activities
The study program is characterized by an in-depth exploration of the following specialized topics, as well as the potential deepening of aspects concerning basic theories and techniques to be identified for each student together with the tutor to complement the preparation already possessed by the doctoral candidate. The comprehensive structure of the friendly city, advanced use of geographic information systems to support the analysis of urban and territorial systems, accessibility to public space in urban and rural areas, urban planning and risk mitigation, non-motorized mobility (pedestrian and cycling), ex-ante evaluation of forecasts in territorial planning and governance processes, infrastructure design in the landscape, road classification and management of urban areas with specific functions, traffic calming and European regulations, upgrading of road intersections in urban spaces.
Research Activities
This curricula, in addition to the research activities previously reported for all curricula, is characterized by the active participation of the doctoral candidate in ongoing research projects within the scientific communities concerning the city and territory.
The main research topics of interest are:
- Designing a safe city and territory;
- Soft mobility in the city and territory;
- Macro and micro environmental resources;
- Mobility models and optimization;
- Spatial planning and mobility;
- The theme of mobility as a living dimension;
- Timing issues in the city.
Involved SSD
CEAR-04/A (formerly ICAR/06) - Topography and Cartography
CEAR-05/A (formerly ICAR/07) - Geotechnics
CEAR07/A (formerly ICAR/09) - Structural Engineering
CEAR-08/A (formerly ICAR/10) - Building Architectural Engineering
CEAR-08/B (formerly ICAR/11) - Building Production
CEAR-09/A (formerly ICAR/14) - Architectural and urban design
CEAR-11/A (formerly ICAR/18) - History of architecture
CEAR-11/B (formerly ICAR/19) - Restoration of architecture
Teaching activities
The teaching activity aims at enhancing various research focuses of different areas on structural rehabilitation, structural engineering, materials, history of architecture and history of architectural techniques, restoration, building architectural engineering, energy refurbishment, architectural composition, geotechnics and topography.
It is articulated both with basic courses on building technology, geotechnics, restoration, history, architectural composition,building architectural engineering, topography and restoration, and with advanced courses on structural and energy modelling, structural analysis, intervention techniques, construction techniques and the restoration of historical and modern buildings.
Particular attention is paid to historical buildings in a broad sense, including structures and infrastructures.
The training programme includes monographic courses, cycles of seminars held by internal and external speakers, and laboratory activities and is aimed at providing a basic preparation for highly qualified research activities.
Research activities
This curricula, in addition to the research activities previously reported for all curricula, is characterized by the involvement of doctoral students in the following specific areas of both national and international interest:
- conservation of the built environment;
- diagnostic and monitoring investigations of the built environment;
- history of architecture and of architectural techniques;
- evaluation of the load-bearing capacity and seismic vulnerability of existing buildings;
- reinforcement interventions for historical and contemporary buildings, infrastructures and structures;
- theoretical, experimental and numerical modeling of cracking and instability phenomena in historical and contemporary buildings, infrastructures and structures;
- accessibility of cultural heritage;
- assessment of building performance technologies for components for the sustainable design and energy efficiency of the built environment;
- architectural design for the enhancement and reuse of historical and contemporary buildings.
Involved SSD
AGR/11 General and Applied Entomology (AGRI-05/A General and Applied Entomology)
AGR/13 Agricultural Chemistry (AGRI-06/B Agricultural Chemistry)
(*) AGR/01 Agricultural economics and appraisal (AGRI-01/A Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal)
(*) AGR/02 Agronomy and herbaceous crops (AGRI-02/A Agronomy and field crops)
(*) AGR/03 Arboriculture and Fruitculture (AGRI-03/A Arboriculture and Fruitculture)
(*) AGR/18 Animal nutrition and feeding (AGRI-09/B Animal nutrition and feeding)
(*) BIO/03 Environmental and applied Botany (BIOS-01/C Environmental and applied botany)
(*) BIO/05 Zoology (BIOS-03/A Zoology)
ICAR/02 Hydrology and hydraulic and maritime structure (CEAR-01/B Hydrology and hydraulic and maritime structure)
ICAR/03 Sanitary and environmental engineering (CEAR-02/A Sanitary and environmental engineering)
(*) ICAR/09 Structural analysis and design (CEAR-07/A Structural analysis and design)
(*) ICAR/20 Urban and regional planning (CEAR-12/A Urban and regional planning)
ING-IND/27 Chemical technologies (ICHI-02/B Chemical technologies)
(*) SSDs not represented in the curriculum lecturers
Teaching activities
The educational objective of the curriculum will be the training of figures who can operate in the field of research, design and management of processes, solutions and technologies for environmental remediation, the sustainable management of natural resources, the valorisation and recovery of secondary resources, the sustainable production in agriculture and the socio-economic valorization of the agri-food sector..
Teaching activities include the provision of courses and seminars, held by internal lecturers and external experts, also in collaboration with other curricula, on subjects preliminary to research activities and advanced research training.
Research activities
The research activities will be strongly interdisciplinary with reference to one or more of the following topics: agronomy and herbaceous cultivation, agricultural chemistry, tree cultivation, hydraulics, hydrology irrigation and drainage, agricultural economics, general and applied entomology, sanitary-environmental engineering, nutrition and animal nutrition, statistics for experimental and technological research, chemical technologies, structural design, urban planning.
Depending on the topics, the research activities may involve both laboratory and field experiments and activities on full-scale plants and systems. In both cases, a significant modelling component is envisaged.
Research activities are frequently carried out as a part of wide projects between University of Brescia and other national/international Universities, research Institutions, as well as active companies in the sector.