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Civil and Environmental Engineering, International cooperation and Mathematics

The PhD Programme aims to promote the internationalization of the University and students through the participation of foreign students by carrying out activities in collaboration with national and international research centres.


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Type of programme

PhD Programme

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Research field

PhD - Engineering

Competitive application

Type of admission

Competitive application

Via Branze, 43 - Brescia

Home Institution

Via Branze, 43 - Brescia

Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics


Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics

Educational goals

The PhD Programme is organized into six curricula:

Bodies of PHD programmes

The high qualification achieved during the PhD Programme makes PhD students suitable for different kind of collaborations at a national and international level such as public and private bodies, universities, research centers, central and local public administrations, international research bodies e.g. FAO, UNESCO, WB and companies operating in the sectors of the six PhD curriculas.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering, International Cooperation and Mathematics will be able to coordinate conduct and manage research projects by combining the highly specialized expertise and the concreteness deriving from experiences gained in fields of applied research.

Academic contact information of the PhD Programme
Prof. Marta Maria Sesana

By Curricula:

  • Urban planning and mobility: prof. Michela Tiboni
  • Mathematical methods and models for engineering: prof. Paolo Secchi
  • Appropriate methodologies and techniques for international development co-operation (Health track and Technology track): prof. Sabrina Sorlini
  • Natural risks assessment and management (Hydraulics, hydraulic structures and hydrology): prof. Roberto Ranzi
  • Structural rehabilitation of historical and modern buildings (Structural rehabilitation): prof. Giovanni Plizzari
  • Technologies and processes for the environment and agriculture: prof. Giorgio Bertanza

By Curricula:

  • Urban planning and mobility (of XXXII cycle): prof. Michéle Pezzagno
  • Mathematical methods and models for engineering: prof. Hynek Kovarik
  • Appropriate methodologies and techniques for international development co-operation (Health track and Technology track): prof. Sabrina Sorlini
  • Natural risks assessment and management (Hydraulics, hydraulic structures and hydrology): prof. Massimo Tomirotti
  • Structural rehabilitation of historical and modern buildings (Structural rehabilitation): prof. Fausto Minelli
  • Technologies and processes for the environment and agriculture: prof. Stefano Barontini

UOC Dottorati

Via S. Faustino 74/b
25122 Brescia

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