
The PhD in "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Innovation in Clinical and Methodological Research" is a multidisciplinary PhD Programme that aims theoretical-practical learning of the most advanced technologies in the bio-medical, bio-engineering, bio-informatics and artificial intelligence fields, for the application development of integrated research programs in the medical-surgical field, regenerative medicine cell therapy and the planning and conduction of experimental clinical studies.

Due to its characteristics, the PhD Programme aims to train doctors, engineers, economists in the healthcare field, biologists, physicists, bio-informaticians, bio-statisticians, nurses, capable of transferring and integrating technological know-how into medical-surgical application field and, at the same time, to learn the use of advanced technologies for new diagnostic-therapeutic strategies and to improve the quality of life of patients. The PhD Programme therefore aims to provide post-graduate training for new highly specialized professional figures who, due to their interdisciplinary skills, can have new and more qualified job opportunities in Universities, in public or private Research Institutes, in Hospitals or in the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Industry. Each PhD student is entrusted to a supervisor who follows the educational-training path for the development of a research project.

The PhD Programme is organized into three curricula:

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

For doctors, biologists, physicists, engineers, biostatisticians, computer scientists, economists in the health field who are experts in the following topics:

  • development of algorithms and artificial intelligence systems applied to medical and surgical sciences.

Regenerative Medicine

For doctors, biologists, physicists, engineers, experts in the following topics:

  • study of the biological mechanisms of tissue degeneration and regeneration
  • cell and gene therapy
  • production of bio-materials and bio-nanotechnologies applied to regenerative medicine


Innovation in Clinical Research and Methodology

For doctors, biologists, nurses expert in the following topics:

  • development of epidemiological studies
  • development of new molecular target drugs and new personalized therapeutic strategies
  • telemedicine and management programs for patients suffering from chronic pathologies or chronic diseases
Last updated on: 06/17/2024