Energy Transition and Sustainable Production Systems

The PhD Programme is offered in continuity with the Energy Transition curriculum of the Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and with the Master's Degree in Management Engineering, provided by the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.


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Type of programme

PhD Programme

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Research field

PhD - Engineering

Competitive application

Type of admission

Competitive application

Via Branze, 38 - Brescia

Home Institution

Via Branze, 38 - Brescia

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Educational goals

The energy transition and sustainability of production process are central themes of the second Mission of the PNRR (Green Revolution and Ecological Transition) whose aim is to ensure a fair and inclusive transition towards a society with zero environmental impact.
Respect and protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems have also been introduced among the constitutional rights, which guarantees the well-being of citizens and future generations.

The Programme offers an interdisciplinary program that combines the sectors of engineering, economics and law for the training of researchers and professional figures capable of managing projects in areas of strong industrial interest, for the Energy Transition and Sustainable Production Systems.

The PhD Programme is structured into two curricula:

Bodies of PhD programmes

The Doctor of Philosophy owns the skills to:

  1. manage and coordinate multidisciplinary research and development activities in the industrial and academic fields
  2. coordinate research projects encouraged by legislation or by national and European public bodies
  3. mmanage technological innovation in sectors such as:
  • renewable energies and energy carriers (hydrogen, biomethane, e-fuels)
  • energy conversion systems and processes
  • storage (batteries, ...), distribution (smart grids ...), energy use (industry, mobility, ...)
  • energy saving and energy efficiency in industry, the tertiary sector and the buildings sector
  • the decarbonisation of energy production and use, CO2 capture and storage
  • energy policies and management of transition processes
  • eco-design (increased efficiency and reduction of consumption and emissions in operation, for example through light weighting and conversion from ICE to BEV, maintenance, recyclability, industrial processes) 
  • advanced and sustainable manufacturing 
  • advanced and intelligent automation 
  • industrial symbiosis 
  • supply chain management 
  • the rule to support the circular economy 
  • the management and recovery of raw materials.

U.O.C. Dottorati

Via S. Faustino 74/b
25122 Brescia

Last updated on: 06/07/2024