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In this section you can find all the information you need to request your final project title, the graduation procedure, the final exam and much more.

Final Project Guidelines

In the following guidelines you will find all rules to process and present your final project title, the indication to prepare your request to be admitted to the final exam and how to get your final project evaluated.

Final Project Abroad

If you are enrolled in the last year of your bachelor or master’s degree and you would like to prepare your final project abroad the University of Brescia partners with several foreign institutions for student mobility.


If you have been selected for an internship in a public or private company, in a research center or in another university, your final exam could be covered by the activity and the results you have obtained during your stage period. The student will continue its internship period and proceed to complete its final project by collaborating with a supervisor at the University of Brescia.

graduation session


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