Communication technologies and multimedia
The master's degree programme in Communication Technologies and Multimedia, taught in English, trains highly qualified professionals with a solid background in the theoretical foundations of the disciplines underlying telecommunications and provides in-depth specialized knowledge on technologies and methodologies at the state of the art for the development of innovative communications systems, as well as technical and professional skills for consulting and solving application problems in the various fields of telecommunications services and systems.
Scopri il corso
Piano degli studi
The master of science programme in Communication technology and multimedia has a two years duration involving the acquisition of a total of 120 ECTS.
Informazioni Utili
Servizi Supporto Studenti
Rappresentanti studenti
The regulations of the individual structures introduce measures to protect the student representation, including the possibility of access, in compliance with current legislation, to the data necessary for the explanation of the tasks attributed to it.
Organi del Corso di studio
Regolamenti didattici del corso di studio
Il regolamento didattico specifica gli aspetti organizzativi del Corso di Studio, secondo il corrispondente ordinamento, nel rispetto della libertà di insegnamento e dei diritti-doveri dei docenti e degli studenti.
Sede e contatti
Course Administrative Office
U.O.C. Servizi Didattici - Area Ingegneria
c/o Dipartimento di ingegneria dell'Informazione
Via Branze, 38 - Brescia