
Admission, matriculation and enrolment in subsequent years, recognition of previous careers


  • The single-cycle Master's Degree in Law offers a solid legal culture, permeated by knowledge of national and supranational legal sources and with a strong vocation for the training of 'European jurists'.

  • The Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza (Master's Degree in Law) is articulated in a course of studies aimed at acquiring mastery of the institutional and organisational aspects of judicial systems, with a particular focus on the updating of legal skills.

  • The curriculum, with its broad range of courses, allows students to approach the law using very different methodological approaches, which have proved to be an excellent vehicle for learning, as they identify the desirable combination of traditional theoretical teaching methods and those based on the study and research of legal solutions in concrete cases.

  • The course of study emphasises moments of practical training, in particular thanks to the activation of internships and the possibility of carrying out the advance training for the profession of lawyer and labour consultant.

  • The Master's degree in Law provides access to traditional legal professions, such as the Bar, the Judiciary and the Notariat, but also to a wide range of professions requiring proven legal knowledge.

  • The ability to analyse, critically evaluate and make decisions acquired during the course of studies in Law is essential for holding positions of high responsibility in various fields of social, socio-economic and political activity, in institutions, public administrations, private companies, trade unions, in the fields of information technology law, comparative, European and international law, as well as in supranational organisations.

Last updated on: 07/08/2024