The Preparatory Course consists of optional classes aimed at improving basic knowledge addressed to students of degree programs taught in English. Go to related page >>
Pre-assessment for master's degrees and STAR + LMINT grants 2024/25 a.y.

Masters degree programs' students must have minimum curricular requirements as well an adequate personal preparation.
To be admitted to the course it is necessary to submit an application here >>
For information regarding the admission to DEM Master's degree and regarding the online presentation of the admission criteria on 28 June 2024 click here >>
minimum curricular requirements
It is mandatory to have acquired in the preceding university career a minimum number of 55 credits in the following academic fields and disciplines:
- at least 21 credits in one or more of this specific fields: SECS-P/07; SECS-P/08; SECS-P/09; SECS-P/10; SECS-P/11; ING-IND/16; ING-IND/35;
- at least 16 credits in one or more of this specific fields: SECS-P/01; SECS-P/02; SECS-P/03; SECS-P/04; SECS-P/05; SECS-P/06; SECS-P/12; SPS/09;
- at least 9 crediti credits in one or more of this specific fields: IUS/01; IUS/02; IUS/04; IUS/09;
- at least 9 credits credits in one or more of this specific fieldsi: INF/01; SECS-S/01; SECS-S/03; SECS-S/06; MAT/09; MAT/05; MAT/06; MAT/08.
Moreover, it is required an English language certification (among those provided by the Department) or at least three credits in the scientific-disciplinary field L-LIN/12.
The English language requirement can be considered automatically achieved by students who have attended bachelor's or master's degree taught in English.
There is a 6 credits tolerance on the verification of the minimum curricular requirements, as long as the specific disciplinary field is still present.
The personal preparation requirements allow direct admission to the course of study and consequent exemption from the admission test.
These requirements are granted to students who, at the time of submitting their application
• are in possession of a weighted average of examinations of no less than 23/30 (reference is made to the weighted average present in the student's transcript, for Unibs students the weighted average present in Esse3 is used)
• have passed the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) with a score (total score) of no less than 600/800.
For candidates in possession of a degree obtained abroad, recognised as suitable on the basis of the regulations in force, the task of verifying the admission requirements is assigned to a Commission, which will carry out the verification of the curricular requirements and of the personal preparation, which is deemed to have been achieved if the candidate has obtained a Bachelor's degree mark greater than or equal to 85 out of 110 (or 77 out of 100).
In the absence of the personal preparation requirements indicated above, i.e. in the absence of direct admission, in order to be admitted, it is necessary to take an admission test referring to the content of certain subjects, the possession of which is of particular relevance for effective attendance of the master's degree course.
For admission to the academic year 2024-25, the admission tests will be held on the following dates
first edition: 2 July 2024 at 11.30 a.m.
second edition: 17 September 2024 at 11.30 a.m.
The result of the test, if positive, is valid for admission to the a.y. 2024-25.
Candidates who do not pass the admission test in the first edition may participate in the second edition; registration must be made for each edition in which you intend to participate.
All information regarding the admission test and the specific bibliography can be found in the downloadable file here.
- It helps to develop problem-solving abilities progressively and improve the knowledge, abilities and attitude necessary to work in managerial and entrepreneurial roles in industrial and service companies or as business consultants.
- It enables the choice of two years’ education in Italian and one in English, both aimed at offering the student education in which general and operative knowledge is supplemented according to the perspective of the person preparing to take on managerial roles.
- It allows the acquisition of effective specialisation in the sphere of one of the fundamental functional areas of business management - Corporate Finance, Marketing, and Production-Logistics. This knowledge can be studied in depth integrating international programmes and placements in Italy and abroad into the student’s education.