Banking and Finance
Bachelor’s Degree
Where: Brescia
Language: Italian
Type of admission: Free access course, TOLC-E test
Business Administration
Bachelor’s Degree
Where: Brescia, Mantua
Language: Italian, English (third year Business)
Type of admission: Free access course, TOLC-E test
Business and Economics - New A.Y. 25/26
Bachelor’s Degree
Where: Brescia
Language: Inglese
Type of admission: Accesso libero
Economics and Digital Firm
Bachelor’s Degree
Where: Brescia
Language: Italian, English (third year)
Type of admission: Free access course, TOLC-E test
Economics and Management of Cultural and Creative Businesses - New A.Y. 25/26
Bachelor’s Degree
Where: Mantova
Language: Italiano
Type of admission: Accesso libero