Biomedical Sciences and Translational Medicine

In recent years, thanks to the introduction of new technologies, we have witnessed an impressive expansion of scientific breakthroughs in biomedical sciences. Achievements in basic science pose the challenge of bringing their innovative potential into the clinical arena for the benefit of patients. With some exceptions, this process is long and complex. Translational medicine starts with a relevant clinical question posed to scientists in the laboratory or an insight from basic research, which share the goal of bringing effective diagnostic and therapeutic results to the clinic. Therefore, researchers should have appropriate knowledge and methodological skills; an attempt is also necessary to eliminate communication gaps between scientists and clinicians.  


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Type of programme

PhD Programme

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Research field

PhD - Medicine and life sciences

Competitive application

Type of admission

Competitive application

Viale Europa, 11 - Brescia

Home Institution

Viale Europa, 11 - Brescia

Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine


Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine

Educational goals

The PhD Programme in Biomedical Sciences and Translational Medicine targets at graduates from various backgrounds who are strongly motivated to tackle advanced experimental research topics in the preclinical or clinical biomedical field.

The Course's fundamental aims are: 
I)    a multidisciplinary cultural approach to training in the biomedical sciences
II)   the purpose to promote the ability to integrate preclinical and clinical research

The overall objectives are to produce new knowledge on the pathophysiology of diseases, to identify biomarkers useful for diagnosis and targets for the development of innovative drugs, and to promote their transfer to the medical sciences.

The PhD Programme is divided into three curricula: Neuroscience; Immunology and Oncology; Pharmacology and Microbiology.  Despite their specificity, the curricula are strongly integrated with each other.

Bodies of PhD programmes

The educational programme includes:
•    advanced research activities 
•    advanced academic activity

A significant part of the PhD Programme is devoted to scientific research. Under the guidance of a Supervising professor, a research topic or project is identified from the first year of the PhD Programme, which will take up the bulk of the PhD Programme over the three years of training, with the progressive acquisition of autonomy and critical and propositional skills. 

Doctoral students will have facilities at their disposal for the study of animal models and advanced technological platforms for pre-clinical research. Doctoral students in medical training will have access to excellent clinical research facilities.

Higher education activities include:

  • core characterising courses, instrumental to the research activities
  • courses of cross-disciplinary interest to the Department's doctorates, aimed at improving technical skills and knowledge of statistical methods and data analysis in medical research
  • courses of a general and interdisciplinary nature offered to all the doctorates of the University
  • international seminars

The active participation of doctoral students in workshops, summer schools, and national or international congresses functional to their specific research programmes is also encouraged.

Lastly, Journal Club cycles are organised and self-managed by doctoral students.

Upon completion of the PhD Programme, PhDs in Biomedical Sciences and Translational Medicine will master expertise in state-of-the-art experimental  methodologies. They will be familiar with the most current and pressing issues in biomedical science and have the ability to interact constructively between scientists and clinicians from different disciplines. 

In addition to the possibility of pursuing university academic research roles, the main occupational and professional outlets include the following roles

  • Researcher or Coordinator of research groups at public and private research institutions in Italy (such as CNR, Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico - IRCCS) or abroad;
  • Researcher or Coordinator of research groups at public and private health facilities in Italy or abroad;
  • Clinical monitor of clinical trials at public and private healthcare facilities in Italy or abroad;
  • Researcher or Coordinator of preclinical studies for the development of new drugs or clinical pharmacology studies at pharmaceutical companies in Italy or abroad;
  • Researcher or Research Coordinator at small to medium-sized Biotechnology and Innovative Diagnostics companies, particularly in PhD curricula fields.


U.O.C. Dottorati

Via S. Faustino 74/b
25122 Brescia

Last updated on: 08/07/2024