Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The PhD in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering is structured into the following curricula: Smart Factory and Advanced Manufacturing Industry, Sustainable Mobility, Health and Well-being, Production Systems, Safety, Environment and Quality of Work, and Development of Fundamental and Methodological Knowledge.
The training activities, synergistically integrated with research, aim to prepare researchers and professionals capable of managing research and development projects in fields of high industrial interest, innovation, and multidisciplinarity.
All relevant information regarding the PhD program's organization and admission process is available on the website. Additionally, by visiting the in-depth website, you can learn about all PhD candidates and the research activities they are involved in.

Educational goals
The PhD Programme provides third level training designed for young researchers and professionals who will be able to design, monitor and manage applied and basic research in all disciplines related to the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. In particular, the course focuses on various issues of great interest for innovative content and multidisciplinarity, such as Advanced Materials, Applied Mechanics, Logistics and Production Systems, Energetics, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Multi-Phase Fluid Dynamics, Mechanical Technologies, Systems and Technologies for Human and Environmental Health and Wealth, with applications in all areas of industrial, environmental and biomedical science and engineering.
Academic Secretariat
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Via Branze, 38 -25123 Brescia
U.O.C. Dottorati
Via S. Faustino 74/b
25122 Brescia