
Admission procedure

Admission to the Master's Degree Course in Sciences for Peace, Conflict Transformation and Development Cooperation, for Italian or foreign students (EU and non-EU), in possession of a foreign or Italian qualification, is subject to an evaluation process aimed at certifying the suitability of the candidate qualification.
This process is based on the verification of the curricular requirements and on the preparation of the student in relation to the specific training objectives of the  course.

The prerequisites for accessing the course are possession of a bachelor’s degree and having already acquired: 9 CFU in the legal area (IUS), 9 CFU in the economic area (SECS-P and/or SECS-S), 6 CFU in historical area - anthropological area (M-STO 01, 02, 03, 04; of M-DEA 01), six CFU in sociology (SPS 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12) and an English language certification (at least level B1).

A Commission appointed by the Course Council will verify, according to the methods indicated in the course teaching regulations, the adequacy of the personal preparation of each candidate, also through a personal interview.

Further information can be found on the website of the University of Pisa at the following link >>


The information on enrolment and fees can be found on the website of the University of Pisa at the following link>>

Last updated on: 03/15/2024