Civil and environmental engineering
The Master's Degree Course in Civil and Environmental Engineering is a two-year Master's Degree Programme, taught entirely in English.
To be eligible, students should have a trhee-year Bachelor's Degree (or equivalent) in Civil Engineering or in Environmental Engineering, with a sound background in Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Fluid mechanics and Structural Mechanics (see Enrolment > Entry requirements)
A good English proficency is required (CEFR B2).
Student exchange programs with foreign Universities are available as well as scholarships for foreign students (call open in spring).
Scopri il corso
Piano degli studi
The course is organised over two academic years and foresees the acquisition of a total of 120 credits divided among specific subjects, related and additional subjects chosen by the student, as well as final examination preparation activities.
Informazioni Utili
Servizi Supporto Studenti
Rappresentanti studenti
Organi del Corso di studio
Il regolamento didattico specifica gli aspetti organizzativi del Corso di Studio, secondo il corrispondente ordinamento, nel rispetto della libertà di insegnamento e dei diritti-doveri dei docenti e degli studenti.
Sede e contatti
For information on enrolments, fees, transfers, certificates and career
UOCC Segreterie Studenti (Student Administration)
Via S. Faustino 74/B, 25121 Brescia
For information on educational activities
Servizi didattici (Educational Services)
UOC Servizi didattici ingegneria (Engineering Educational Services)
Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia
Call Center 800 66 34 23
Contact the Student Administration offices