Prevalutazione lauree magistrali e borse STAR + LMINT a.a. 2024/25
Perchè iscriversi?
- To have sound training in advanced subjects matters in the field of civil and environmental engineering, in the designing of energy-efficient, earthquake-proof and hydrogeologically safe buildings, in the organisation and management of the environment and territory and in environmental impact assessments.
- To have the oppportunity to attend a Master's Degree Course in Italy offering courses taught in English, that deal with topics from an international perspective.
- To have the opportunity to share the University experience with teaching staff and students from different countries of the world.
- To broaden your career prospects in a rapidly evolving world, with professional activities having more and more of an international standing.
"It is so good to see the enthusiasm of students, both Italian and foreigner ones, when they open themselves up to an international experience that very often starts as an additional educational opportunity to then evolve into a work experience abroad. We are not looking to facilitate the "brain drain", rather to reinforce the international prestige of our students, who are the keys to this project and who will become the leading people of our country."
Maurizio Tira, Rector of Università degli Studi di Brescia