The Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques program has a restricted access.


Those with a five-year high school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad and recognized as suitable may be admitted to the Bachelor of Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
Admission to the Bachelor's degree program has a restricted access and involves an entrance exam consisting of a nationally-scheduled multiple-choice test.
Because it is a three-year professionalizing course: it provides comprehensive preparation for entry into the world of work and the final exam is qualifying for the profession of Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician.
Not only that: there will also be the opportunity to train in Translational Medicine research laboratories, and the internship will be integrated in laboratories of the Regional Health System, in collaboration with top Hospital Companies.
The objective of the Course is to train professionals capable of performing with technical and professional autonomy their work services in collaboration with the graduate laboratory staff in charge of the various operational responsibilities to which they belong.
In laboratory facilities, they will be responsible for the correct fulfillment of analytical procedures and their work, within the scope of their functions in application of the work protocols defined by the responsible managers.
In particular, at the end of the course of study, these figures will be able to:
- check the correspondence of the services provided to the indicators and standards predefined by the head of the facility;
- verify the proper functioning of the equipment used and provide routine maintenance and possible realignment of instruments;
- participate in the planning and organization of work within the structure in which they work;
- contribute to the training of support staff and directly contribute to updating related to their professional profile and research.
Graduates in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques perform their professional function in licensed laboratory facilities, whether public (Hospital Organizations, A.S.L.) or private (Clinics, Nursing Homes), as employees or freelance.
The degree obtained allows access to 1st level University Master's and Master's Degree Courses (LM/SNT3).
If you have already attended a university course, you can apply for recognition of your previous career:
- if you would like to change course within the University of Brescia, please consult the Changing Course page
- if you come from another university, please consult the Transferring page
Then you can complete the form and send to the UOC Gestione Carriere, e-mail address
Language certificates
Language certificates may also be recognised. In the section ‘Knowledge of the English language’ of the Studying page, you can consult the procedures and forms and send them via the Infostudent service, path Students’ career and graduation > Accepted certificates of proficiency in foreign languages.
For further details please contact the course education centre of Biomedical Laboratory Techniques.