Studying - Exercise and Sport Sciences

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If you enrol in the Sport Science course, when enrolling and for each subsequent year of enrolment, it is obligatory to present a medical certificate (with a duration of one year) attesting to your physical fitness for sporting activities when the previous certificate expires.

For further information visit this page


Attendance is mandatory for courses with a practical part:

1st year

  • course: Basi di atletica e attività natatorie (all modules);

2nd year

  • course: Sport di squadra e atletica (all modules);
  • module: Attività motoria e animativa nei contesti ludico-ricreativi;
  • module: Tecnica e didattica della attività motoria adattata: teoria;
  • module: Tecnica e didattica della attività motoria adattata: esercitazione;
  • module: Tecnica e didattica del movimento umano;

3rd year

  • course: Teoria e metodologia dell’allenamento (all modules);
  • module: Misure ergometaboliche e biomeccaniche;
  • course: Metodi e tecniche del fitness: (all modules);

The minimum attendance required for any single module is 70%.

According Teaching Regulations and the Academic calendar the examination sessions are:

  • February session
  • Easter session
  • June-July session
  • September session
  • Christmas session.

Students can can register for exams from their personal page in Esse3.

Exam dates are also published in the Bacheca appelli d'esame.

Last updated on: 09/06/2024