Admission, matriculation and enrolment in subsequent years, recognition of past careers
Why study Legal Science of Innovation
The project of a course in "Legal Science of Innovation" stems from the need to design a figure of an expert jurist not devoted to the traditional legal professions (lawyers, judges and notaries), but designed to serve the productive world (business, third sector, public administration) by grafting onto a purely legal formation additional knowledge and skills called for by the sudden technological, environmental and organisational changes.
The plan of the Master's degree course in Law spans two years.
During the first year we aim at forming a "European and technological" jurist, modulating the teachings with a view to offering the students a non-specific training on the thematic areas deemed most characterising, as well as a theoretical training in new techniques of legal regulation.
As for the second year, two different specialised pathways (curricula) are provided.
The first pathway "Innovation, business and Third Sector" is intended to impart specific skills in the management of economic, human and social resources with regard to enterprise and the organisations of the Third Sector.
The second pathway, "Innovation in the Public sector", teaches specific skills in the subjects concerning innovation of Public Administration and Healthcare.
Innovative teaching (clinical exercises, cooperative learning, PBL) and courses in legal English all along are tools specifically meant to develop the communicative skills and the ability to manage and monitor complex processes.