Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques
The course aims to train operators who carry out, with technical and professional autonomy, prevention, verification and control activities in the field of environmental and occupational hygiene and safety in living and working environments, food and beverage hygiene, and public and veterinary hygiene and health, providing a solid basic preparation and specific training for the exercise of the profession.
Study Plan
Useful links
Student Advisory Service
Student representatives
These figures participate in Course Councils to report any problems concerning teaching activities and evaluate proposals according to quality assurance principles.
Degree programme committees
The Teaching Regulation specifies the organizational aspects of the Course of Study according to the corresponding system, respecting the freedom of teaching and the rights-duties of the teaching staff and students.
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Viale Europa, 11 - Brescia
Tel. +39 030 3838090
email: corsolaurea.tpall@ats-brescia.it
For information on educational activities:
Servizi didattici (Educational Services)
Viale Europa 11, 25123 Brescia
For information on enrollments, fees, transfers, certificates and career:
UOCC Segreterie studenti (Student Administration)
Via San Faustino 74/b, 25121 Brescia