The University of Brescia promotes psychological well-being and guarantees the rights of the students. For further information, please consult the page Rights and welfare of the students.
Find out how to attend the graduate program.

To take the exam, the student must attend at least 75% of the hours stipulated in the Study Plan.
Each student is required to attend all educational activities in the curriculum.
The certificate of attendance, which is required to take the relevant examination, is obtained by attending at least 3/4 (equal to 75%) of the lectures scheduled for each teaching. Generally, the attendance of each individual module should not be less than 50%.
Registration for exam appointments is done through Esse3.
Examination dates entered in Esse3 can be viewed clicking here.
As per the Teaching Regulation, the defined periods for exam sessions are:
- February session, 2 dates;
- Easter session, 1 dates;
- June-July session, 2 dates;
- September session, 2 dates;
- Christmas session, 1 dates.
To find out the dates of the exam sessions consult the Teaching Calendar (⭡).
This form can be used to justify work absence and has to be signed by the teacher in charge of the examination.
Knowledge is ascertained in accordance with the Course Teaching Regulation or by submission of an International Certification.
See the updated list of recognized language certifications.