The final test values as a State Exam in order to practice the profession.

Present the title of the thesis and supervisor
Enter your graduation application
Pass all the exams required by the study plan
Consign to the supervisor a copy of the thesis
A.Y. 2026/2027
- Autumn session: October-November 2027
- Spring session: March-April 2028
Educational activities for the preparation of the final test
Each student has 6 CFUs available to devote to the final examination.
For the preparation of the thesis abroad, please refer to the appropriate University Regulations and Notices published on the institutional website.
Admission to the final test
Admission to the final examination requires the acquisition of all the credits provided for in the Didactic Order with the exclusion of those that can be acquired through the examination itself. Only the students who have certified adherence to the didactic evaluation procedures will be admitted to the final examination.
The final test
The final test involves the evaluation of practical skills and abilities (practical test) and the submission of a thesis.
The practical test constitutes a barrier: in case of insufficient evaluation, it will not be possible to continue with the discussion of the thesis.