Analytics for Economics and Management

The PhD Programme in Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM) aims at training high profile scientists and experts, able to apply analytical and computational tools to data to the goal of making complex decisions in Economics and Management. They will have advanced methodological foundations in: 
- Models and Methods for Economics and Finance
- Operations Research
- Statistics with applications to several areas, such as Business, Energy, Environment, Finance, Logistics,  Sports.


tipo di corso img

Type of programme

PhD Programme

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Research field

PhD - Economics and Law

Competitive application

Type of admission

Competitive application

Via S. Faustino 74/b - Brescia

Home Institution

Via S. Faustino 74/b - Brescia

Department of Economics and Management


Department of Economics and Management

Educational goals

The PhD Programme in “Modelli e Metodi per l'Economia e il Management (Analytics for Economics and Management, AEM)” aims at training highly qualified researchers and experts, capable of mastering analytical and computational tools of data science and optimization to make complex financial, economic and business decisions. The PhD Programme AEM provides advanced methodological skills suitable for the analysis and the solution of complex problems in many applied areas, including economics, finance, business, environment, energy, logistics and sport.

Administrative phd secretariat
Bodies of PHD progammes

Educational offer PhD


The PhD Programme in "Modelli e Metodi per l'Economia e il Management (Analytics for Economics and Management, AEM)" makes PhD students eligible to cover both academic positions  or high-level managerial positions both in national and international service companies and industries, where analytical and computational tools are needed as a support of decision-making processes and data analysis.

Academic secretariat

Department of Economics and Management
Via San Faustino, 74/b
25122 Brescia

Administrative secretariat

Via S. Faustino 74/b
25122 Brescia

Last updated on: 06/17/2024