
The final test consists of the preparation of a literature-review based thesis or an experimental thesis under the guidance of a supervisor. It is attributed with 16 academic credits. The thesis must have a certain amount of originality and is a first approach to scientific work on a topic consistent with the educational aims of the degree course.

The literature-review based thesis requires the collection and critical processing of bibliographic material on the cultural and professional contents of the Second Cycle degree course.

The student who chooses an experimental thesis must make an active contribution to a theoretical or applied research project, showing the results obtained in a final paper with sufficient autonomy and critical spirit. The work may be carried out, under the guidance of a supervisor in a public or private structure, with which opportune agreements have been stipulated, in Italy or abroad. 

The subject of the thesis is agreed with the supervisor and is drafted and argued in English.

See Art. 18 of the Teaching Regulations for further details.

Last updated on: 08/07/2024