
In the Master's Degree Course in Pharmacy, internships are scheduled from the fourth year.

The University and the professors of the course contacted the Order of Pharmacists, to discuss the creation of a new agreement that allows students of the 2019/20 Cohort and subsequent cohorts to be able to safely start the internships envisaged in their Plan of Studies.

The internships of the Master's Degree Course in Pharmacy will take place in local pharmacies from the 2022/2023 academic year.


Students will be able to access internships starting from the fourth year only if the following conditions are met:

- have acquired at least 160 credits and be enrolled at least in the fourth year of the degree course;
- have passed two characterizing exams, one of which in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (SSD CHIM/08) and one in
Pharmacology (SSD BIO/14);
- have attended at least one of the courses of the SSD CHIM/09 (Pharmaceutical Technology).


Below you can find the facsimile of the training project that is filled out in Almalaurea by the Pharmacy to start the student's internship and the access links to the Almalaurea portal.

The first access to Almalaurea for students is through ESSE3 (in the menu click on Almalaurea) . It is then necessary to follow the procedure indicated by the system to authorize the visibility of their data (CV).After the first access/authorization through ESSE3 it is also possible to enter Almalaurea with the direct link from the website

Pharmacies will have to activate, instead, another password by accessing the link indicated below.


Internship tutors

Internship Commission:

-  Prof.ssa Mandracchia Delia 

-  Prof.ssa Uberti Daniela Letizia.

Internship Tutors:

-  Prof.ssa Caccuri Francesca

- Dott. Peron Gregorio;

- Dott. Ribaudo Giovanni;

- Prof. Rota Matteo;

- Prof. Pomarico Giuseppe.

Internship Booklet

Students of the University of Brescia, by virtue of the agreement between the University and the Federation of Pharmacists' Orders of Lombardy, will be provided with an electronic booklet available online at www.librettotirocinio for the registration of the professional internship period. 

The access passwords will be activated only after completing the training project with the pharmacy identified for the internship.


For information on Internships:

U.O.C. Corsi di Laurea a ciclo unico dell'area medica

Viale Europa 11, 25123 Brescia

Contact the Secretaries' office

Last updated on: 07/01/2024