
The degree is conferred after passing a final test which consists in the presentation of a thesis elaborated in an original way by the student under the guidance of a supervisor, in front of a commission of professors, composed according to the provisions of the Degree Course Regulations .

Being the Master's Degree Course born in the A.Y. 2019/20, the first Degrees will be discussed in the A.Y. 2023/24.



Present the title of the thesis and supervisor


Enter your graduation application


Pass all the exams required by the study plan


Summer Session: from 15/07/2024 to 19/07/2024
Autumn Session: from 07/10/2024 to 11/10/2024
Spring Session: from 17/03/2025 to 21/03/2025

Training activities for the preparation of the final exam

The compilation thesis requires the collection and critical elaboration of bibliographic material by the student.
This material relates to the cultural and professional contents of the master's degree course.
The student who chooses to tackle an experimental thesis work, must carry out experimental activity for at least 6 months.
The experimental activity must take place in a research laboratory of the University, where the
supervisor/correlator works, making an active contribution to a research project, reporting the results obtained
in a final thesis with adequate autonomy and critical spirit. Experimental activity can also
be carried out, under the guidance of a supervisor, in public or private structures with which they have been
enter into appropriate agreements.

The list of research laboratories and public and private structures can be consulted below in "Disponibilità Tesi Farmacia_Aziende".

The final paper can be in Italian or in English.

Fill in the "Modulo Tesi Farmacia" and deliver it to the U.O.C. Ciclo Unico Area Medica, V.le Europa 11.

Thesis Abroad

The student has 15 CFU credits intended for the preparation of the degree thesis at university structures, including foreign ones, and for the discussion of the thesis.

The student who intends to carry out the preparation of the degree thesis abroad must submit an application in a specific announcement prepared according to the methods determined by the University (see thesis abroad).

The student who has carried out the work of preparing the degree thesis abroad, or in collaboration with international research structures, or who has carried out a period of study abroad, having obtained the consent of the Supervisor, can write the thesis in English. The paper must be accompanied by a summary in Italian. The Supervisor is the guarantor of the quality, also linguistic, of the paper.

Admission to the Final Test

Admission to the final test requires the acquisition of all the credits envisaged by the educational system, with the exception of the 15 which can be acquired with the test itself.

The degree exam takes place in at least three sessions according to the calendar approved annually, indicatively identified in the months of July, October and March.

The Final Test

The final test for the achievement of the Master's Degree in Pharmacy consists in the discussion, in front of an examination commission, of a thesis written in Italian or English, elaborated and drafted by the student in an original way, under the guidance of a teacher and on a theme falling within one of the disciplines present in the study manifesto.

The contents of the degree thesis are presented in the context of a public dissertation, in which the student is able to demonstrate mastery of the method and ability to tackle problems independently and critically.

The topic of the thesis can be assigned, at the request of the student concerned, by a tenured professor or a researcher, even with a fixed-term contract, in charge of teaching. When assigning the thesis topic, the Supervisor can indicate a teacher, researcher or expert in the subject who will act as co-supervisor.

To be admitted to the final exam, the interested student has to follow the online procedures (see focus "Domanda di Laurea") respecting this deadlines:

At least 6 months before the start date of the session in which he intends to take the degree exam, present the title of the thesis and supervisor;
At least thirty days before the start date of the session in which you intend to take the degree exam, enter the degree application;
At least fifteen days before the final exam is held: pass all the exams required by the study plan and submit the valid documents for the purpose of assigning additional scores.
The commission examining the final exam:

is decided by the Director of the relevant Department, on the recommendation of the President of the Council of the Master's Degree Course;
it is made up of a minimum of 7 members, the majority of them must be full professors or researchers, even with fixed-term contracts, holding teaching positions. The presidency of the commission is assumed by the President of the Council of the Master's Degree Course or by the full professor with the longest service.
The President of the commission is responsible for guaranteeing full regularity of the test in accordance with the procedures set out in the University Regulations.

At the end of the discussion, the examining commission decides the final grade in secret.

The resolution is taken by majority. The final vote is expressed out of one hundred and ten. The exam is passed with the achievement of at least sixty-six (66/110).

Last updated on: 07/01/2024