The Bachelor of Dietistic has a restricted access.

Publication Notice of Admission
Registration for the Health Professions Admission Test
Admission test
Publication of rankings

In order to be admitted to the study course in Dietistic, it is necessary to hold a five-year upper-secondary school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable.
An admission test is required for admission, and therefore selection is based on the outcome of the test itself. It consists of multiple-choice questions defined by the University of Brescia (covering topics of general and specific culture) and will be taken on the date that will be indicated in the notice.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments and additions, the student will undergo an assessment of psycho-physical suitability to carry out the activities of the specific professional profile. The assessment of permanent unfitness shall result in the forfeiture of the student's status on the degree course.
The three-year degree in Dietistic entails qualification to practise as a dietician and ensures the possibility of both immediate entry into the world of work and access to master's degree courses that can further enrich the training curriculum.
It offers the opportunity to collaborate in the Unibs sostenibile project: the university participates in the 17 goals established by the UN 2030 Agenda. In terms of improving the wellbeing of populations, the second goal set by the UN is ‘zero hunger’ (see United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition).
Admission to the course of study with programmed numbering allows excellent interaction with lecturers and tutors and direct and constant involvement in practical activities. The theoretical and professional skills acquired will enable graduates to carry out all activities aimed at applying the principles of proper nutrition, educating patients and collaborating with companies/structures dedicated to food preparation or meal distribution.
The Degree Course aims to train health professionals in the technical-assistance area who are competent for all activities aimed at the correct application of food and nutrition.
In particular, those who obtain a degree in Dietistic:
- organise and coordinate specific activities relating to nutrition in general and dietetics in particular;
- collaborate with the bodies in charge of safeguarding the hygienic and sanitary aspect of the food service;
- prepare, formulate and implement the diets prescribed by the doctor and check their acceptability to the patient;
- collaborate with other figures in the multidisciplinary treatment of eating disorders;
- they study and elaborate the composition of food rations to meet the nutritional needs of population groups and plan the organisation of community feeding services for healthy and sick people;
- carry out didactic-educational and information activities aimed at disseminating principles of proper nutrition.
Graduates can carry out their professional activities in public or private health care facilities and services, on an employed or freelance basis.
Job opportunities:
- Public healthcare sector (hospitals, health authorities), social welfare sector (RSAs, institutions for the elderly, etc.)
- Private healthcare sector (nursing homes and polyclinics, freelance work)
- Self-employed in fitness and beauty sectors
- Self-employed in associated medical practices
- Catering companies
- Food companies
- Continuation of studies with a Master's degree from the SNT3 classes
If you have already attended a university course, you can apply for recognition of your previous career:
- if you would like to change course within the University of Brescia, please consult the Changing Course page
- if you come from another university, please consult the Transferring page
Then you can complete the form and send to the UOC Gestione Carriere, e-mail address
Language certificates
Language certificates may also be recognised. In the section ‘Knowledge of the English language’ of the Studying page, you can consult the procedures and forms and send them via the Infostudent service, path Students’ career and graduation > Accepted certificates of proficiency in foreign languages.
For further details please contact the course education centre of Dietistic.