The final test values as a State Exam in order to practice the profession.

Present the title of the thesis and supervisor
Enter your graduation application
Pass all the exams required by the study plan
Consign to the supervisor a copy of the thesis
A.Y. 2023/2024
- Autumn session:
- November 26th, 2024 PRACTICE TEST
- November 28th and 29th, 2024 THESIS DISCUSSION
- Spring session:
- April 09th, 2025 PRACTICE TEST
- April 11th, 2025 THESIS DISCUSSION
To see the Graduation Commissions, please consult the Italian course page.
Educational activities for the preparation of the final examination
Each student has 7 CFUs available, 6 of which are aimed at the preparation of the dissertation in public or private organizations, companies, facilities, including foreign ones, with participation in specific projects and 1 for the discussion of the dissertation.
Admission to the final examination
For admission, each student must have regularly attended the educational activities and obtained the 173 CFUs related to passing the exams, as well as attending the professional laboratories, as stipulated in the curriculum of the three-year course.
Only those who have certified adherence to the didactic evaluation procedures will be admitted to the final examination.
Methods of conducting the final examination
The final examination for the Degree in Health Assistance consists of:
- a practical test in the course of which it is necessary to demonstrate the acquisition of the theoretical-practical and technical-operational knowledge and skills proper to the specific professional profile
- the writing of a thesis and its discussion in which each student can demonstrate his or her ability to think and elaborate on the theoretical/professional experiences acquired during the course of study
For further specifications, please refer to the reading of the Course Teching Regulation, which can be viewed on the home page.
Job opportunities for those who earn a degree in Health Assistance are within the facilities of the National Health System, in public or private services, as employees or freelancer.