The University of Brescia promotes psychological well-being and guarantees the rights of the students. For further information, please consult the page Rights and welfare of the students.
Find out how to attend the graduate program.

You can view the class schedule at this link.
To see the class schedule, please consult the Italian course page.
To see the class schedule, please consult the Italian course page.
Each student is required to attend all the teaching activities provided for in the syllabus.
Compliance with the obligation to attend is checked by the course coordinator and/or the lecturers involved in the course itself.
The certificate of attendance, which is necessary to sit the relevant examination, is obtained by attending at least 3/4 (i.e. 75 %) of the lessons in the course. It is left to the holder of the Course to activate remedial mechanisms, should the absences from the individual module exceed 25% and are, in the opinion of the module lecturer, such as to compromise the learning of the specific contents.
Those who have not obtained a certificate of attendance for each course are enrolled in the following academic year as repeaters/supernumeraries in the same year, with the obligation to attend the courses for which they are in default.
Students elected to collegiate bodies are excused if they are absent from teaching activities in order to attend meetings of the same bodies.
Professionalising training activities
It is possible to sit the Professionalising Educational Activities examinations in September:
- for the 1st and 2nd years after having attended at least 75% of the courses
- for the 3rd year only upon completion of the total 1500 hours envisaged by the regulation and for which there is an obligation of 100% attendance.
In the event of failure to pass the Professional Training Activities examination scheduled for September, the student may attend the following year's course in the ‘under condition’ mode and must make up the formative catch-up forms, which will be defined by the Didactic-Pedagogic Commission.
He/she will only be able to begin attending the professionalising training activities of the following year after having successfully passed the previous academic year's internship examination in the extraordinary session in February.
Only students who have fulfilled their attendance obligations and passed all the profit and placement examinations set out in the study plan for the relevant year are permitted to transfer from one year to the next.
Registration for exam appointments is done through Esse3.
Examination dates entered in Esse3 can be viewed clicking here.
As per the Teaching Regulation, the defined periods for exam sessions are:
- February session, 2 dates;
- Easter session, 1 dates;
- June-July session, 2 dates;
- September session, 2 dates;
- Christmas session, 1 dates.
To find out the dates of the exam sessions consult the Teaching Calendar (⭡).
This form can be used to justify work absence and has to be signed by the teacher in charge of the examination.
The study plan provides for the acquisition of 4 CFU for English language proficiency.
Ascertainment of knowledge of the English language may take place:
- by the student submitting to the competent office of the Segreteria Studenti (Student Administration) “U.O.C. Gestione Carriere” an International Certification equal to or higher than level B1. The updated list of recognised language certifications can be found on the University Language Centre's (CLA) web page. No more than 3 years must have elapsed since the calendar year in which the certification was obtained.
Language certificate - by passing the CLA Unibs B1 level test certifying that this level has been reached in the four skills.
CLA Level certificates - English
For the purposes of the recognition of the 4 CFUs of English Language foreseen in the Study Plan, in addition to the CLA B1 certification (or presentation of external certification), each student must pass a final exam of the course Medical-Scientific English for Health Communication (written and oral) formally recognising the passing of the exam with relative overall suitability.
If the student does not pass the examination, he/she will place in the status of "fuori corso".
The CLA offers exercises in preparation for level B1, useful both for the acquisition of one of the recognised Language Certifications and for the CLA Unibs B1 level tests. Registration is not required and attendance is not compulsory.
Language training