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Medicine and Surgery

To acquire updated knowledge able to deal with the current and future challenges of medicine.

The course will also give an integrated view of the most common problems of health and disease with community- and area-oriented education.

The course will also give essentially knowledge on the prevention of disease, health promotion and also gender medicine.


Single Cycle Master Degree

Type of programme

Single Cycle Master Degree

Nationally planned access

Type of admission

Nationally planned access





University site


Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences


Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences

LM-41 - Medicine

Degree identification category

LM-41 - Medicine

Study Plan

The degree course, which lasts 6 years, is organised in 36 single-subject or integrated courses in six-monthly or annual periods, interspersed by ‘windows’ for exams. The degree course envisages 360 Academic Credits overall with at least 60 to be acquired in training aimed at the maturation of specific professional abilities.


The call for Erasmus+ mobility for study for the academic year 2024-25 has been published.

It will be possible to apply from 12.00pm on January the 15th, 2024, to 11.59pm on January the 31st, 2024.

Useful links

Student Advisory Service

Student representatives

Degree programme committees

The teaching regulations specify the organisational aspects of the Course, according to the corresponding system, respecting the freedom of teaching and the rights-duties of professors/lecturers and students.


Edificio Centrale di Medicina
Viale Europa, 11 - 25123 Brescia (BS)


For information on educational activities

Segreteria didattica del Corso di laurea (Educational Services)
Viale Europa 11, 25123 Brescia

Booking an appointment

For information on enrollments, fees, transfers, certificates and career

UOCC Segreterie studenti (Student Administration)
Via San Faustino 74/b, 25121 Brescia

Call Center 800 66 34 23

Contact the Student Administration offices

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