The degree is conferred after passing a final test which consists in the presentation of a thesis elaborated in an original way by the student under the guidance of a supervisor, in front of a commission of professors, composed according to the provisions of the University teaching regulations.

Deadlines for graduation applications
Present the title of the thesis and supervisor
Enter your graduation application
Pass all the exams required by the study plan
Le scadenze di assegnazione e di approvazione tesi hanno un intervallo di tempo diverso e più lungo rispetto alle scadenze dei 6 mesi e di 1 mese
Graduation Sessions
Graduation Sessions A.Y. 2023/2024:
Summer Session from 04/07/2024 to 12/07/2024
Autumn Session from 07/10/2024 to 18/10/2024
Winter Session from 09/12/2024 to 13/12/2024
Spring Session from 07/04/2025 to 11/04/2025
The final test for the achievement of the Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery consists in the discussion, in front of an examination commission, of a thesis written in Italian or English, elaborated and written by the student in an original way, under the guidance of a teacher and on a theme falling within one of the disciplines present in the study manifesto.
In the degree thesis, the contents of which are presented in the context of a public dissertation, the student is able to demonstrate mastery of the method and ability to deal with problems independently and critically.
The degree thesis can be of the following types:
- Research thesis
- Compiling thesis
Attribuition of Additional Graduation Scores, until the April 2025 Graduation Session
You can ask all the information opening a ticket (categories "Studying", "Degree sessions") or booking an appointment with Ciclo Unico Area Medica Office.
You can ask all the information opening a ticket (categories "Studying", "Degree sessions") or booking an appointment with Ciclo Unico Area Medica Office.
Attribution of Additional Graduation Scores, effective as of the July 2025 Graduation Session
You can ask all the information opening a ticket (categories "Studying", "Degree sessions") or booking an appointment with Ciclo Unico Area Medica Office.
You can ask all the information opening a ticket (categories "Studying", "Degree sessions") or booking an appointment with Ciclo Unico Area Medica Office.
Opportunities for graduates
Contact us
You can ask all the information opening a ticket (categories "Studying", "Degree sessions") or booking an appointment with Ciclo Unico Area Medica Office.