The internship is a characterizing activity provided for in the didactic system of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Midwifery (CLMSIO) and is an integral part of the educational program. In fact, 120 CFUs are required for the degree, at least 30 of which must be acquired in professionalizing educational activities (including in-person internship).
The internship represents a powerful didactic strategy that is part of the development of advanced professional training, aimed at providing high skills to be able to intervene in the care, management, training and research processes in the areas relevant to one's SSD and, more generally, the health system. Therefore, this training activity represents an important opportunity that allows the implementation of knowledge and methodologies learned during the course of study.
During the two years, each student is expected to acquire specific professional skills in the field of advanced clinical-care competence in nursing or midwifery, health care management and management of organizational processes in nursing and midwifery, health care pedagogy (educational processes, continuing education and clinical teaching in nursing and midwifery) and health care research in nursing and midwifery. Each student is expected to carry out professionalizing educational activities, attending the management, staff and operational facilities identified by the course and during the periods defined, for a total number of at least 30 CFUs.
The internship is planned on a two-year basis with a final examination at the end of the second year.
Attendance is distributed as follows:
- in the first year in the second semester 5 CFU for the "interview with an expert" activity and 10 CFU for the internship for a total of 125 hours of attendance;
- in the second year in the second semester 15 CFU for a total of 180 hours of attendance.
The total hours envisaged for each internship must be completed in presence at the place of assignment. Attendance will be certified by filling in the attendance register in ALMALAUREA.
Specific goals of the internship are:
- the organisation and development of the profession, including ethical, deontological and regulatory aspects;
- the application and testing of innovative theoretical and methodological models in nursing and midwifery care processes, including advanced clinical care pathways and health care managerial and management fields
- the application and testing of models of health pedagogy and teaching and training methodologies, including the area of continuing education and continuing medical education;
- healthcare and nursing and midwifery research;
- the development of advanced (specialist and expert) clinical-care models and competences in nursing and midwifery.
In agreement with the internship coordinator, it is possible to carry out an internship at external facilities that have an agreement with the University.
Below are all the instructions for starting and closing the placement at external facilities.

Internship Equalisation
The Course Council approves particular activities that will be equated with an internship, with the recognition of the relevant credits provided that they are carried out in compliance with the provisions in force concerning the protection of personal and public health.